Last updated:10-20-2008
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Definition and causes

Pressure is called the Latin fordecubitus, But also called on the Danishsiddesårorbeds. A pressure occurs when the skin for some time now influenced by pressure or uniform shift from side to side. They occur mainly in places where the bone just below the skin.

Pressure is a very common condition and is thus seen at every tenth of all hospitalized. It is typically older people who have pressure because they are more immobile and have thinner and more sensitive skin. Risk factors for the development of pressure is unconsciousness, immobilization, dehydration and malnutrition.

Pressure occurs most frequently around the tail bone, outside of the hip, hoftekammene and hælpartierne.

By prolonged pressure against an area of the skin there is a lack of oxygen in tissue. Under normal circumstances, the body reacts to this by the generation of pain impulses from the field, and you will instinctively move, so the blood supply to the area restoring. In special cases, this natural reaction, however, suspended, for example. by medical effects, unconsciousness, diabetic nerve disorder or paralysis. Iltmanglen in tissue leads to vævsdød.

Symptoms of pressure

Pressure formed slowly and the symptoms occur in the following order:

  • It was initially seen by skin redness and pain of a bone protrusion.

  • The skin punctured, and it produces a painful wound.

  • Press year may later evolve to include muscles, tendons and bones and may be infected with more redness, swelling and pain to follow.

Precautions and diagnosis

People who have high risk for developing pressure must be checked periodically for redness and soreness around vulnerable areas. A bedridden patient must also be turned regularly, for example. every two hours, so as to spread the pressure best. The skin should be kept clean and dry.

It is important to assess the general health condition of the exposed person, for example. is a good nutritional status essential for skin resistance and wound healing.

Treatment of pressure

As indicated above, relief of pressure years essential to the prevention of the formation of new pressure, but of course also be used when the wound has occurred. There can be used in particular water mattress or air cushion beds, the removal of tight fitting bandages, etc.

Review of the wounded, ie. assessment of what is dead and living tissue, is aimed at cutting away the dead tissue. Then make sure that injured have optimal conditions for healing (see. Wound), and in most cases heal the wound slowly but surely from the bottom up.

When especially heavy pressure, which can not be expected that all up by themselves, plastic surgery can be a solution. A hudlap from another area be moved to cover up the wound, and can be healed accelerated.

If pressure years are infected, it may be necessary to treat with antibiotics.


This article is formed on the Health Guide on 06.09.06

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