Definition and causes Fungal infections are very common. 1-2% of all queries to practitioners dealing sponge. Athlete's foot is the most common fungal infection in Denmark. Athlete's foot is caused by fungal speciesT. Mentagrophytes, E. floccosumandT. rubrum.Like other infections, athlete's foot is contagious, and this happens mostly through bathrooms, changing rooms, towels or footwear. However, it is not so much where you live, determines whether you get fungus, but there are good conditions for the fungi on one's feet. Fungus grows in humid conditions. Causes of fungal infection can be: - Feet not dried properly after bad.
- We tend to fodsved.
- Use of sneakers and socks of synthetic materials.
- Rarely shift of shoes during the day.
Symptoms of athlete's foot The common form of athlete's foot is most commonly in young athletes and especially (also in English forathlete's foot). It is characterized by:- The mushroom sits between your toes, usually between small toe and the toe beside it.
- Usually, only a foot affected.
- There is peeling of the skin, which turns red and itchy with cracks.
- There may be a bad smell.
- In periods when it is bad, there may also be water bladders.

- There can also be seen nail fungus.
The rarer form of athlete's foot is also calledmokkasinsvampAs it sits on fodsålerne of both feet, as a couple mokkasiner. Here the redness of the skin with "chalk-Highlights", that is white hudfurer, which is clearer than usual. There can also be seen a similar rash in one or both palm of the hand. Precautions for the athlete's foot First, it should be mentioned that soft skin that falls off in flakes when dry with a towel, not sponge when other symptoms are not present.Athlete's foot can be avoided by removing the causes of the fungus: - Dry therefore feet thoroughly after each bath.
- Use the stockings of natural fibers instead of synthetic materials.
- Avoid frequent use of sneakers and other tightly fitting shoes.
- Change shoes so many times during the day as possible.
- Use possibly talc on your feet.

- Go in open shoes or sandals whenever possible.
If you suspect athlete's foot, then visit a doctor. Usually the diagnosis can be made on the typical appearance, or take afungal scrapingWhere you can see in the microscope, whether it is fungus. Athlete's foot can in rare cases be a gateway for the rose. Treatment of athlete's foot If the fungus does not disappear with the above precautions, you can use different kinds of antibiotics, especially for fungi. It will generally take about an ointment that påsmøres area twice daily for 6-8 weeks. It is, as with all other kinds of antibiotics, essential to implement all the cures, even if the fungus appears to be gone before. In more severe cases, a tabletkur used.