Last updated:09-05-2008
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Definition and causes

Fifth disease (erythema infectiosum or 5. Childhood) is a common disease, caused by a virus, by nameparvovirus B19.

The disease spreads through droplets (small particles in the air) from other infected people, and causes fever, muscle pain and a characteristic rash on the body and cheeks.

The disease seen in the smaller epidemics every 3. to 4. years and affects mostly children in school or in day care centres, hence the name: The Fifth childhood.

The disease usually has a mild course.

Symptoms of lussingesyge

After infection with parvovirus B19, which is usually 1-2 weeks before the disease appears. However, it is important to note that most people do not have many symptoms of the disease. The most common are symptoms that can occur are:

  • Education sygdomsfornemmelse.

  • Fever.

  • Myalgia.

  • Red rash on the cheeks (hence the name lussingesyge), arms, legs and body. Udslættet flows usually meet at the cheeks, which are of red.

  • With some acting arthritis.

Sygdomsfølelsen and udslættet disappears after about. a week.

Precautions and diagnosis

Get lussingesyge, it is usually a disease which must run by itself.

If you have questions about what might fail, and have some of the above symptoms, you must go to the doctor. The doctor can make the diagnosis of the typical image of udslættet, and to measure the antibodies in the blood through a blood test.

Pregnant women should go to the doctor if they think they have the disease because it can not always be ruled out that there is rubella That could be dangerous during a pregnancy.

Consideration of lussingesyge

Normally the disease is not treated, and only in severe cases, and if there are complications, should be treated with medicine (immunoglobulin).

Select and complications

The disease is mild and moving by itself in most cases.

In rare cases, particularly in people with impaired immune systems, can cause a knoglemarvs crisis, which means that bone marrow stops to produce blood cells . There may also arise anaemia .

Pregnant transfers often lussingesyge to the foetus if the infection in pregnancy. This may, in rare cases, lead fosterdød. The disease can, in rare cases, cause anaemia, fluid retention and death just after birth.



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