Fordøjelsesorganerne and their function described here .
Nutrition before and after birth Over the life of the mother's stomach will nourish the fetus from the mother's blood. It is therefore difficult to see if the baby has deformities in the digestive tract before birth. After birth, where fordøjelsesorganerne activated, can malformations with influence on the feature come clearly expressed.Misdannelsestyper in fordøjelsesorganerne Fordøjelseskanalen affected mainly of two types of anomalies:Atresiandstenose.Withatresimeans that there is a through the a section of a channel, including the digestive tract. This means that there is no passage in this part of fordøjelsesystemet. Most frequently found spiserørsatresi , atresi in galdegangene , atresi in the intestines and malformation of passage . Withstenosemeans that there is a narrowing of part of the digestive tract. The degree of forsnævringen affecting the symptoms with the child. The most common is pylorusstenose and stenose in the intestines . Dangers of errors in fordøjelsesorganerne The child's ability to break down food, and incorporate the important nutrition is hampered largely by malformations. Sometimes parts of the digestive almost entirely tillukkede, which means that the child throwing high. Opkastet can, at worst, coming down in the airways and stifle the child or cause pneumonia. In addition, the vomiting also greater fluid loss that can be fatal.