Last updated:10-20-2008
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The diagnosis requires that we meet two out of three criteria:

  • Few or no ovulation

  • Increased male sex hormones (androgens) - either visible or on a blood

  • Polycystic ovaries by udltralydsskanning


When assessing the above symptoms / blood tests, it is important to rule out the possibility that these disturbances caused by reasons other than PCOS.


Increased androgens might, for example, reflects an increased function of binyrebarken, which also produces androgen. Disturbances in the menstrual cycle may be due to an increased prolaktinproduktion from the pituitary gland, which inhibits ægsløsningen. A thyreoidealidelse may also be the cause of inhibited ovulation.


Building a definition:


Few or no ovulation

It can be hard to immediately gauge whether ovulating. Therefore there is often chosen to look at the consequences of failure to ovulate - namely menstrual cycle disorders. This meets the criterion, if the cycle is longer than 35 days.


Increased male sex hormones (androgens)

Visible signs:

Unwanted hair (hirsutism)

Impure skin (Acne)

Not readily visible signs:

Blood test that shows elevated androgen or deferred balance between androgen and androgen-binding protein (SHBG)


Polycystic ovaries

The definition requires only that the criteria are met on one ovary.

By ultrasound scan:

  • must either be seen at least 12 ægblærer of 2-5 mm in a single plan. These ægblærer can be broken scattered in the egg stalk or lie as a string along the edge of the egg stalk

  • or volume is larger than 10 ml, which is about. three times higher than normal. There may not be cysts, greater than 10 mm, which can interfere with volume measurement.

  • Scan must be carried out after a bleeding, which may not be a contraceptive pill bleeding.



Source: PCO Association,




This article is formed on the Health Guide on 26.09.06



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