Last updated:10-20-2008
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Definition and causes

Kidney basin is the first part of they leave the urinary tract, as head newly formed urine from the kidney to the bladder and is in close relation to the kidney. Renal Pelvis-inflammation caused by infection with bacteria, which are almost always horizontally from the skin around the urethra, through the bladder and urinary heads to the kidneys. The kidney may be infected to varying degrees, but usually keeps the infection is primarily for kidney basin. Regardless of the infection spreading, there is rarely affected by renal function.

Due to infection seen the way renal pelvis often with or after a blærebetændelse. It is most often women who suffer because they have shorter urethral than men and thus shorter distance from skin to the bladder where bacteria can multiply. It is typical bacteria from the intestine end (so-called coli bacteria), deposited on the skin and causes of urinary tract infection.

Infection seen more often in people who have blocked drains urine because the bacteria are not flushed out and can breed in the stagnant urine. Ble. people with kidney stones blocking, or narrowing of the urinary leader or urethral, either congenital or in the form of a tumor in the bladder or enlarged prostate in men.

Symptoms of acute renal pelvis

Renal Pelvis Inflammation appears frequently as sudden pain in the side (flank) or the side of his back, similar to renal location. The pains can beam down on the front against the groin (along urinary director). Infection can be one-way or two-sided, but the pain is often worst in one hand. There may soon arise chills and malaise because of high fever, often 39-40 degrees. There can be nausea and vomiting. Painful, frequent urination is common during or reg

Precautions and diagnosis of acute renal pelvis

By suspicion of renal pelvis should contact their own doctor or vagtlæge. The diagnosis made by the symptoms, tenderness over the kidneys in medical examinations and detection of bacteria in the urine. Are the symptoms violent, will also study the spread of bacteria into the blood with a blood test.

Have we had renal pelvis one or more times before, you should have studied the urinary tract. As mentioned, the drainage obstacles with more lead to repeated infections, and surgery may then be required. Children who get the disease must always be thoroughly investigated (see urinary tract infections in children).

Treatment of acute renal pelvis

Infection is treated with antibiotics, and symptoms improve over a couple of days, if the right product is selected. Urine sent for culture to identify the type of bacterium that is. The response comes after a few days, and you can experience that type of antibiotics must be changed.

Prevention of acute renal pelvis

Women with a tendency for urinary tract infection (blærebetændelse) can even prevent the disease. Good personal hygiene can reduce the amount of intestinal bacteria on the skin, thus reducing the risk of infection of the urinary tract. Urination after intercourse can rinse bacteria received from partner out of the urethra.

Select and complications of acute renal pelvis

Before we had antibiotics, the infection was life threatening, but today Monday completely curable in most cases. In repeated cases of acute renal pelvis can damage the kidneys with renal impairment to follow, but this is only if there is any other disease of the urinary tract. Kidney Damage seen more often after many years of symptom resolve infections, called chronic renal pelvis.

In young children, the elderly and people with weakened immune systems the infection can spread to blood and give blood poisoning.


This article is formed on the Health Guide on 01.08.06

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