Last updated:09-05-2008
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Disease and transmission

Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) is a virus that causes respiratory among both children and adults. RSV is the leading cause of serious respiratory in children under 2 years. RSV is often the operative reason for Asthmatic bronchitis .

Infections with RSV occur in annual epidemics of some. 3 months, most of the period december to March. You can be infected several times with RSV during a season. By re elapsed usually milder than the first infection.

RSV spreads through contaminated luftvejssekret that can be transmitted from the sick to the healthy volunteers in several different ways. BydirectlycontactRSV transmitted from person to person by mutual contact, for example. by handshake or during the play between children. Byindirect infectiontransferred RSV-infected secrete from the infected to objects, for example. doorknob or toys, and then to another person who touches the objects.

In both direct and indirect contact infecting virus airways know that the person pills nose or put fingers or article in the mouth. Infections can also be done bydropletsWhere RSV-infected luftvejssekret transmitted when an infected person nyser or hosts, the microscopic airborne droplets spread in the air. Subsequently, these droplets inhaled by another person, which is hereby infected.

Symptoms of RSV

There is 4-5 days of infection, the symptoms debuterer. RSV can cause different disease. These may vary from time to time, but age and other illness also plays a role.

The rule seen only symptoms of upper respiratory tract, typically in the form of cold .

When the child is more than a few months old, visible symptoms of lower respiratory tract in about. 1 / 3. In mild cases seen coughing and wheezing. In more difficult cases can be developed Asthmatic bronchitis .

Children with any other illness
By congenital heart disease , cystic fibrosis and impaired immune systems by, for example. cancer, chemotherapy, AIDS, inherited diseases of the immune system, etc. can RSV infection have a serious and potentially life-threatening process.

In healthy adults give RSV infection often cold or disease with a influenza - like image. In severe cases, RSV can cause pneumonia .

Adults / elderly with other illness
RSV infection can cause deterioration of COPD (smokers) or pneumonia .

Precautions and diagnosis

All children under ½ years with a fever should be evaluated by a doctor. Danger is high fever, labored and wheezing, weakness, drowsiness, gråbleg colour, reduced urinproduktion / lack væskeindtag (dry diapers) and the lack of interest in things, the child usually exciting. In those cases, the child seen by a doctor urgently.

One can detect RSV in secrete from the nose-svælgrummet by a special method called PCR. There may be blood tests to rule out a bacterial infection.

Treatment of RSV

In most cases, the treatment of RSV infection to be symptomatic (treatment of symptoms rather than the cause). It is important to remember that children with fever must have sufficient fluids to avoid dehydration. For treatment of cold , influenza , Asthmatic bronchitis And deterioration in COPD refer to these articles.

The antiviral drug Ribavirin has been tried for treatment of pneumonia caused by RSV, but the effect is debatable.

Select and complications

Most come soon after an infection with RSV and will have no injury.

Especially children under 1 year with respiratory with RSV may have middle . Very young children with Asthmatic bronchitis can udtrættes because of the large muscular in connection with breathing, which may require respiratory. However, this is rare.





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