Last updated:10-15-2008
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Definition and cause

If a tissue get insufficient blood supply, can cause vævsdød. This is called gangrene, or gangræn. There are two types of gangræn.DrygangrænWhere the tissue dies, becomes black and dries into (mummified), andvådgangræn, Which is generated by the infection of dead tissue. The wet gangræn gives more complications and spreading faster than it dry.

Dry gangræn is a result of disease status, allowing reduced or abolished blood flow to parts of the body. The disease, which predominantly gives gangræn have diabetes, arteriosclerosis and arterial embolism. Damage to tissue in relation to cold (seecold damage) Or stroke can also develop into gangræn. The vast predominantly occurs in gangræn toes and the outer parts of the leg, but certain diseases (eg. Connective tissue) can also provide gangræn in the fingers.

Symptoms of dry gangræn

The symptoms depend on the underlying cause. You will usually have been previously harassed by other symptoms of poor blood supply to the area (see symptoms in each disease).

When the tissue dies, there will initially be entitledstrong painin the area. These will eventually disappear when the nerve tissue will die.The skin will change color to blue, And finally becomes totallyblack. When dry gangræn dries in the field (mummified), and is about toes or fingers, they may ultimately fall off.

In contrast to the våd gangræn, Grows out gangræn not. It remains only to the area where blood flow is inadequate. There will therefore see a clear-cut distinction between live and dead tissue.


Precautions and diagnosis

Is Mondaydiabetic, Or experiencing symptoms of severearteriosclerosis,it is important that we follow strict measures mentioned in these diseases.


It is in all respects important to stop smoking because nicotine get the small blood vessels to pull together, further predisposing to dry gangræn. A well-regulated diabetics have much less risk of developing diseases than a dysreguleret diabetes patient.


Bycold damage, Or other damage, it is important to consult a doctor if the wound does not heal well.


Diagnosis can ask the doctor at the very classic sick picture. Often, the patient known to the doctor with a chronic karsygdom or diabetes.


Treatment of dry gangræn

By emerging dry gangræn main task of the handler to restore blood supply to the dead zone. It may be tried with so-called vasodilators, which may have good immediate effect. Because most cases, however, due to progressive karlidelser, reading can be stacked one time.

By arterial embolism should, as soon as possible operation to remove blood clots (Read more in the treatment section of the article Arterial embolism).


Unfortunately it is not rare for the treatment of dry gangræn is amputation, as there is an increased risk of infection in dead tissue, and hence the development ofwet gangræn, Which can spread to healthy tissues.


You will often choose to amputate a little higher up than gangrænets border, since the nearby healthy tissue often have decreased blood supply, and therefore may have difficulty in following up the whole operation. If you choose to let your fingers or toes mummified and fall off by itself, it is important to keep them clean and dry to prevent wet gangræn.


Complications and course

Since gangræn is a complication of another illness, is the only significant complication risk of infection, and therefore wet gangræn.

Many of the basic disease evolves, so it may be necessary later to remove larger vævsstykker.


Salvageable tissue after injury or arterial embolism, the prognosis is good.






Related articles:

Akrocyanose (Blue fingers and toes)
Arterial embolism (Blood clot in an artery)
Arteriosclerosis (artery and atherosclerosis)
Blood clot in the leg (deep vein thrombosis, DVT)
Cold Injury (freezing)
Damp gangræn (Damp gangrene)
Dry gangræn (dry gangrene)
Expansion artery (aneurysm)
High blood pressure in the lungs (Pulmonary hypertension)
Low blood pressure (hypotonia, hypotension)
Pulmonary embolism (Blood clot in the lungs)
Raynaud's syndrome (including Raynaud's phenomenon)
Superficial årebetændelse (Phlebitis, thrombophlebitis)
Temporalis arteritis and polymyalgia rheumatica
Varicose vein (Varicer)



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