Last updated:09-05-2008
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Definition and causes

Tumours of the larynx can be both benign and malignant. A tumor is an abnormal growth or mass of tissue. In the larynx, a tumor often mean that you are hoarse. This is because the larynx is the place where our vocal cords sit. Stemmebåndene controls how much air that comes through the larynx. This air determines the sound generated.

Neoplasms benign tumors of the larynx:

  • Larynxpapillomer: These tumors seen both in children and adults, and there may be one or many. If there are many, they are usually caused by a virus, called human papilloma virus (HPV). This virus can also give warts on the skin. In adults, a larynxpapillom in some cases develop into a malignant tumor.

  • Sangerknuder: These are not real tumors, but they may be similar and give the same symptoms. There are usually only for small swelling or bleeding in the mucous membranes of stemmebåndene. The reason for this is that the voice has been used much. Sangerknuder seen most often in children, crying very or adult singers, actors or others that use the voice much.

  • Other benign tumors: These can be deleted from all the tissues of the larynx. Often the form of a polyp, which is a udposning of mucous membranes.

Malignant tumors of the larynx:
Malignant tumors of the larynx occurs when the normal cells of the larynx transformed into cancerous cells. There is, therefore, cancer of the larynx. It is much more frequent in men and is seen almost exclusively in smokers, particularly if it is a high consumption of alcohol. People who get diagnosed with cancer of the larynx is often aged 55-65 years. There are around. 260 cases of cancer of the larynx in Denmark each year. A malignant tumor can sit anywhere in the larynx, and it gives the sympto

Symptoms of tumors of the larynx

Neoplasms benign tumors of the larynx:

  • Hæshed

  • Stridor: This is a special hvæsende sound, which occurs when there is lack of space in the upper lufteveje.

  • Problems with the air: This applies particularly small children, where even a small benign tumor will cubicle larynx. This is because there is very little space in the upper lufteveje in children.

Malignant tumors of the larynx:

  • Hæshed for some time: This symptom is often fairly early in the tumors, sitting in the upper part of the larynx around stemmebåndene.

  • Cough

  • Feeling the lump in the neck

  • Dysphagia

  • Pain often with radiation to the ear

  • Stridor: This is a special hvæsende sound, which occurs when there is lack of space in the upper lufteveje.

Precautions and diagnosis
By hoarseness and / or annoying sensation in the throat for more than 2-3 weeks, we should go to his own doctor or an ear-nose and throat doctor. It should by hoarseness try to save the voice as possible, since hæsheden otherwise are likely to continue. By sangerknuder can be reduced use of voice in itself be enough to improve the condition.

The doctor will look down into the neck with a special instrument, a laryngoskop. With this he will be able to see if there are tumors of the larynx. However, we can not immediately see whether it is benign or malignant tumours. This requires that we take a vævsprøve (a biopsy) from the tumour, and examine the cells under a microscope.

Treatment of tumors of the larynx
Neoplasms benign tumors of the larynx:
In a small operation in full anaesthetic can remove the tumours. A tumor removed must always be examined by a pathologist in order to ensure that it is a benign tumor. By sangerknuder it is important not to overanstrenger voice. Possibly. may be of benefit to go to a speech therapist to help with the training of the voice.

Malignant tumors of the larynx:

  • Irradiation treatment: This is often enough to cure the patient. However seen it a few times that the tumour come back.

  • Operation: If the tumour is very large or have not disappeared after radiotherapy, it may be necessary to remove the tumour surgery. This is done by removing the entire larynx. At the same time made a tracheostomy, which means that the trachea brought out on the front of the neck. It comes as the breathing through trakeostomien instead of by mouth. You can not talk after such an operation, since everything that is normally used to produce speech, removed by surgery.

  • Taleventil: Following the removal of the larynx inserts, in some cases a taleventil in an artificially created connection between the trachea and throat. This means that the patient will be able to learn to speak almost normally.

  • Talepædagog: Many can learn to use a so-called esophagusstemme. Here is used air from the gullet (esophagus) and the stomach to speak. The air bøvses up and then shaped words as usual, with the mouth, palate and tongue. If you do not like about this method, you can use a strubevibrator, which is set against the neck. Vibrationerne can then be used to produce speech.


Neoplasms benign tumors of the larynx often completely cured by surgery. Special larynxpapillomer, however, often again why it may be necessary to repeat the operation later. The malignant tumors depends on the forecast of where the larynx tumour sits when it is detected and whether it has spread. If the tumour is detected early and can be removed completely with radiation, is cured about 80%. If the tumour is very large and has spread, there is unfortunately not much chance of whole

Prevention of tumors of the larynx

Since tobacco is a major risk factor for developing cancer of the larynx, smoking should be avoided. Similarly, the high consumption of alcohol for many years to dispose of cancer of the larynx, so this should also be avoided. Sangerknuder preventable, that you learn to use its vote in the most gentle way.

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Tumours of the larynx (Tumours of the larynx)



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