Last updated:10-20-2008
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Definition and causes

Testicular cancer is a common term for malignant cancers that can arise in different types of cells found in testicles. Cancer of the testicles frames around. 300 Danes each year, and thus is Denmark the country in the world with the most cases per. per capita. year. Diseases affect mostly young people between 18 and 35 years.

The reason for the development of cancer of the testicles is unknown. Normally share the body's cells themselves as needed. By testicular cancer (as in all other cancers) are the cells in an uncontrolled and damaging normal cells. Creating a tumor (tumor). If the disease is not detected and treated at an early stage, it can spread (metastases themselves) to other organs.

NB! There are many conditions that lead pladsudfyldende feeling in the purse, but which are benign and therefore has nothing to do with cancer. These are among other water hernia, pungårebrok and cysts in bitestiklerne. See articles on these.

Symptoms of testicular cancer

Often testicular cancer discovered by chance by Monday marks a knot on one testicle. This knot can be very small, or it can sit across large testes. You may also feel that, one testicle is enlarged or feel a sense of heaviness in the purse. There may be sequelae such as water hernia. The tumors only causes pain in the pockets of some. 1 / 5. In some cases, enlargement of breast tissue be the first symptom because of disturbance in sex hormone production.

With up to 10% testicular cancer is detected only after it has spread to other organs. The symptoms will come from the affected area and could include gastrointestinal problems, back pain or kidney problems.

Precautions and diagnosis

It is important that testicular cancer is detected early, as it provides a better chance of cure. Since the disease can begin without significant symptoms and often discovered by chance, it's a good idea, to mark his testicles through occasionally. See the article How to examine the testicles.
If you have questions, there is a knot, we should let the doctor take a position on this. Remember that there are also many non-malignant conditions, which can affect the testicles. An enlargement of the testes is often harmless. Many times it may be bitestiklen, which was closed due to irritation or infection. See article on bitestikelbetændelse. It is however important to be examined by a doctor if you think there is a swelling or lump in or around the testicles.

If the doctor suspects a lump in the testes, will take some blood tests and referred to a specialist. This will often make an ultrasound examination of the testicles.

The treatment of testicular cancer

If the doctor believes that there is a malignant tumor in the testes, will do a surgery and take a tissue (biopsy) of both the affected testicle and the healthy. If tissue samples confirms the suspicion, then we will remove the affected testicle. Biopsies from the other testicle should show whether there also are precursors to cancer in this.

If testicular cancer has spread itself will use biopsies to identify the cell type that tumors are composed of, and which has now spread to other parts of the body. This has implications for further treatment. Some cells are very sensitive to radiation, other cell marry (chemotherapy).

Select and complications

The vast majority of testicular cancer types treated successfully. Thus, survival after 5 years, almost 100% of the most common type of testicular cancer. The other types have slightly lower survival, but overall survival remains 95% of all testicular cancer.

If the disease spreads, it is through the blood and lymphatic system. The spread is made to the lymph nodes along hovedpulsåren in the lungs and throat. If the cancer is not detected, the developed and spread to other vital organs, primarily the liver, lungs and brain.

The tumor is detected at an early stage, it can be treated, and the prospects for recovery are good. See the section on treatment.

The operation did not affect either gender operation or production of sperm, since the remaining testicle alone can sustain these functions.




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Bitestikelbetændelse (epididymitis)
Cysts in bitestiklerne (Sædbrok) (Spermatocele)
Pungårebrok (Varicocele)
Testicular cancer (testicular cancer)
Testis and wallets
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