Last updated:09-05-2008
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Definition and causes

Hypotyreose is a condition of inadequate production of skjoldbruskkirtelhormon (tyroxin). Hypotyreose can be divided into a congenital and acquired a form.


Inborn hypotyreose

Inborn hypotyreose can result from a variety of reasons:

  • Lack of thyroid (atyreose).

  • Defekter in the development of the thyroid gland.

  • Defekter in the formation of skjoldbruskkirtelhormon.

  • Defekter in the receptors throughout the body tissues, which skjoldbruskkirtelhormon usually is to work on.

  • Jodmangel.

  • Jodforgiftning.

  • Effects of various medicines.
  • Lack of TSH, which is a hormone that stimulates the thyroid gland. This is seen by the disease in the pituitary or hypothalamus (which are both parts of the brain). hypofysetumorer and kraniofaryngeom, there is a specific type of brain tumour (tumor).


Some of these conditions can be hereditary. Inborn hypotyreose are relatively rare (1 of 4000 births).


Acquired hypotyreose

Acquired hypotyreose is not present at birth. The most common cause isautoimmune thyroiditis, Which is also known as Hashimotos thyroiditis. The so-called autoimmune diseases attacking the immune system, normally protect the body against infection, the body's own tissues. In this case, attacking the immune system structures in the thyroid gland using different antibodies. This leads to kirtlen are broken down and gradually cease to function. Autoimmun thyroiditis is much more often in girls than in boys and can be familiært performers. Autoimmun thyroiditis is more frequent in patients me Type 1 diabetes , Downs syndrome and Turners syndrome.


Other causes of acquired hypotyreose includes following the infection of kirtlen, surgery and radiation. These reasons are rare.


Acquired hypotyreose is not rare (1 of 1000 school children) and debuterer often of school age.


Symptoms of hypotyreose

By congenital hypotyreose in infants symptoms may be few and mild, because the child is transferred skjoldbruskkirtelhormon from the mother through breast milk. The symptoms may include:

  • Marmoreret possible. dry skin.

  • Prolonged jaundice after birth. Jaundice occurs in about. 1 / 3 of all newborns, but may be prolonged by certain diseases (see article).

  • Large heavy

  • Navlebrok

  • Spiseproblemer

  • Constipation

  • Hæshed

  • Sløvhed

  • Low temperature and pulse

  • Delayed growth and development 

  • Large fontanelle

  • Enlarged thyroid, which is called goitre (rarely seen)


By profession hypotyreose symptoms are often more pronounced and include:


  • Lille into account the age and reduced growth. Vurderes using growth curves .

  • Obesity

  • Enlarged thyroid (seen frequently)

  • Kuldskærhed

  • Dryness of skin and hair

  • Constipation

  • Sløvhed

  • Low pulse

  • Delayed puberty


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Hypotyreose in children (Poor functioning of the thyroid, Reduced metabolism)
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Mælkesukker intolerance (Laktoseintolerans, Laktosemalabsorption)
Vækstforstyrrelser (Nanismus and Gigantismus)



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