Last updated:09-05-2008
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Definition and causes

Glutenintolerans is a lifelong disease in the intestine, triggered by consumption of diet containing gluten. More precisely, it is the proteingliadinor other proteins that are similar to gliadin, specifically found in the gluten in wheat, rye, barley and to a lesser extent in oats that trigger the disease.

Glutenintolerans can be described as a so-called autoimmune disease in line with Type 1 diabetes ,because it is the body's own immune system, which attacks tyndtarmens tissues.

Glutenintolerans is rare in Denmark. The incidence is 1 in 10,000. Glutenintolerans is genetically determined, and relatives have an increased incidence of the disease, but it is decidedly not hereditary.

There is an increased incidence of glutenintolerans among persons suffering from certain diseases. They include thety pe 1 diabetes , Autoimmune diseases of the thyroid, Downs syndrome , Turners syndrome and antistofmangel (IgA deficiency).

In other Nordic countries, for example. Sweden, is the presence of glutenintolerans much greater (1:300). We do not know why, but we believe it is because the Swedish children's glutenindtag in the diet will start earlier than the Danish children. Yet we do not, on a later introduction of gluten in the diet of children may prevent glutenintolerans.

Symptoms of glutenintolerans

The typical symptoms of glutenintolerans are:
  • Chronic diarrhoea. over 2 weeks.

  • Poor well-being: Low weight and height in relation to what we expect from the child. This is assessed by the growth curves. Often the child looks emaciated out with a great wiry stomach, flat buns and thin arms and legs.

More non-specific symptoms (atypical symptoms) can also be seen and include:
  • Constipation.

  • Reduced growth (height and weight).

  • Anaemia.

  • Epilepsy.

  • Reduced tension in the muscles (muscular hypotonia).

It is believed that there are many children and young people who have the disease without knowing it, because they have very weak or no symptoms.

Precautions and diagnosis

If your child develop signs of glutenintolerans, one should seek their own doctor to get diagnosed.

With more children will be able to take blood samples, which can detect specific antibodies. If there is detected antibodies in the blood, will perform a kikkertundersøgelse of stomach and Small (endoscopy, gastroscopy). In this examination will be able to look at slimhindens look and take tissue samples (biopsies). Vævsprøven will have a distinctive appearance in the microscope.

The final diagnosis made on that the changes disappear. mucous membranes normalized and the symptoms disappear after a half years on the gluten-free diet.

In children under 2 years is the diagnosis more difficult, since antistofbestemmelsen in the blood is more uncertain.

Consideration of glutenintolerans

Treatment consists of life-long elimination of gluten from the diet. Often, this will initially require the help of a dietician.

Select and complications

Normally, the state normalized on a gluten-free diet.
Senfølger of untreated glutenintolerans established growth, osteoporosis , Increased risk of lymphoma in the gastrointestinal tract and increased frequency of spontaneous abortion in women with glutenintolerans.

A particular problem may be that some find that their symptoms disappear or be lenient when they become adults, and therefore begin to eat glutenholdig diet again. This can give increased risk of the above complications.

Related articles:

Celiac disease in children (Glutenintolerance, Glutenallergi)
Cystic fibrosis
Enkoprese (Missing afføringskontrol)
Fenylketonuri (PKU, Føllings disease)
Hypotyreose in children (Poor functioning of the thyroid, Reduced metabolism)
Infectious hepatitis in children (Viral Hepatitis)
Invagination (Intussusception)
Mælkesukker intolerance (Laktoseintolerans, Laktosemalabsorption)
Vækstforstyrrelser (Nanismus and Gigantismus)



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