Last updated:09-05-2008
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Definition and causes

Enkoprese is missing afføringskontrol. Normally, children acquire control of the stools in 2-3 years. Byprimary enkopresethere has never been control over the stools. Bysecondary enkopresehas previously been control, but this is lost again.

The most common cause of enkoprese is constipation . Failure toilettræning can provide primary enkoprese with more children.

Enkoprese can also be seen as a result of mental stress. This is particularly true with anxious and inhibited children. Secondary enkoprese seen in particular by severe strains in relation to adults. sexual assault and violence .

Symptoms of enkoprese

The symptoms are repeated voluntary or involuntary stools in clothes or in places where it is not usually (not to the toilet). Enkoprese may also include a roll with stools or udsmøring of this on the walls, floor furniture or the like.

There will often be symptoms of constipation When it is the operative reason.

Forholdsregeler and diagnosis

If your child over a longer period lose control of the stools or never gain control, one should go to the doctor. The doctor will examine the child with special focus on the characters to constipation . If the child is not forstoppet, the psychological and social factors examined in order to find the operative reason.

Consideration of enkoprese

Treatment depends on the operative reason. If constipation is the reason, the child must have different treatment depending on what the cause of forstoppelsen is. If the cause is mental strain, there is often a need for a psychosocial intervention and involvement of social services.

Select and complications

The forecast depends on the operative reason. When constipation is the operative reason, gets the most scrutiny, but 1 / 3 will have problems in adolescence and adulthood. If the cause is mental strain, is forecast for afføringskontrol good while it is bad for the mental conditions.


Constipation and thus enkoprese can in many cases avoided by fiberrig diet and frequent exercise.




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