Last updated:10-20-2008
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Incontinence can be a symptom of a disease. Incontinence can also be a symptom of an unhealthy lifestyle, such as excessive fluid intake, that does not fit toilet times that there is a long distance to the toilet, so you have to stay too long long time, etc. Finally, incontinence can be a symptom of general weakness - that you do not have the ability or remember to get to the toilet. As far as possible, we must treat the cause and not the symptom.

Therefore - get an agreement - and agree extra time in first place with your practitioner. The doctor, who must pay you with, among other things urination table, gynecological examination for women - the study of prostate cancer for men, issues of drinking and toilet habits and urine / acute study, can often help you with an explanation and a treatment.

Once your doctor has determined the type and cause of your incontinence, there are different options for treatment:

Stress incontinence

Call or write for information leaflets in Accounts Association and read on:

  • Training program, which is to strengthen the muscles in the pelvic bottom. It may indeed be difficult to get the right muscles and training to perform properly. Therefore you get the best results in cooperation with, for example. physiotherapists

  • Medical treatment, for example. hormone stikpiller

  • Various tools

  • Operation

Urge incontinence -

Call or write for information leaflets in Accounts Association and read on:

  • Changing drinking habits

  • Choice of toilet times

  • Medical treatment (eg. Medication which relaxed the bladder muscle or homoner)

  • Training program. Assists some, but not quite as effective as when stress incontinence

  • Various tools

  • Operation is possible, but is usually a bad idea

Feces Incontinence

Call or write for information leaflets in Accounts Association and go to the doctor / specialist and get paid.
Information Booklets on urine and stool incontinence can be obtained from the Accounts Association.



Source: - Accounts Association

The text is published D9 / 8 - 2005

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Nocturnal urination in elderly
Stress incontinence
Treatment of incontinence
Urge incontinence -
Urinary incontinence



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