Last updated:10-15-2008
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Definition and causes

Decreased activity in biskjoldbruskkirtlerne due to low or lack of production of the hormone from glands. This hormone is calledparatyreoidea hormone, Abbreviated PTH.

PTH regulates together with vitamin D blood levels of calcium (lime). It affects the bones to release calcium into the blood and kidneys to retain calcium in the urine. For low or lack of production of PTH results thus low levels of calcium in the blood, which mainly affects the function of muscles and nerves.

The most common cause of reduced activity in biskjoldbruskkirtlerne can be a previous operation on the thyroid glands, which biskjoldbruskkirtlerne has been damaged. This phenomenon is, however, slowed due to greater awareness of the issue, as well as improved operating techniques. The mode can also be caused by a congenital defect in biskjoldbruskkirtlerne.

Mode is twice as common in women as in men.

Symptoms of reduced activity in biskjoldbruskkirtlerne

The symptoms of reduced activity in biskjoldbruskkirtlerne due to the low content of calcium in the blood. If the condition occurs after an operation on the thyroid, the symptoms usually occur suddenly. In other cases they are more slow onset. The symptoms include:

  • Increased tendency to muscle spasms and seizures, especially in the lower back, legs, feet and hands.

  • Pins and needles into the skin, especially hands, feet and around their mouths, as a result of nervous influence.

  • In severe cases can cause severe epilepsy-like seizures.

Precautions and diagnosis

If the doctor suspects the decreased activity in biskjoldbruskkirtlerne, can the diagnosis is made using blood samples, measuring blood levels of calcium and PTH. In severe cases, with violent seizures, it is important to quickly go to the doctor, who can initiate emergency treatment.

Treatment of reduced activity in biskjoldbruskkirtlerne

Acute treatment consists of administration of calcium directly into a vein to restore a reasonable level in the blood.

In the longer term it may be necessary to deal with regular food supplements containing calcium and vitamin D supplements. The reason for giving vitamin D is that it affects the intestine to increase its calcium removals from the diet. This allows blood levels of calcium normalizes. Treatment monitored regularly in order to adjust the dose of vitamin D to the right level.


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