Last updated:10-15-2008
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Pituitary is a small gland the size of a pea, which is hanging on the underside of the brain in hypofysestilken. Over hypofysestilken glands are directly related to the brain. The brain can affect glands directly to sequester many different hormones that are important to the body's growth, development and reproduction.


Pituitary is divided into a front and rear lap. From the anterior lobe hormones secreted following: 

  • Growth hormone,affecting bone length growth and muscle growth in children and adolescents.

  • Prolactin, Which is a milk-stimulating hormone that stimulates brystkirtlerne the formation of milk during pregnancy and lactation (seeGalaktorré).

  • Kortikotropin (ACTH)Which affectbinyrebarkensseparation of adrenal cortical hormones (steroid).

  • Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)That stimulatesthyroidto the excretion of hormones, which particularly affects the metabolism.

  • Gonadotropins (FSH and LH)That affect the gonads, ie. ovaries in women and testicles in men, the growth and formation of the hormone.


In the rear hypofyselap stored and secreted 2 hormones: 

  • Antidiuretic hormone (Vasopressin), A hormone that reduces water secretion inkidneysand thereby accumulate urine. Alcohol is blocking this hormone directly and thus increased pee itch.

  • Oxycontin, A hormone that creates contractions in the womb, and helps especially during childbirth.


Brain effects of pituitary

In the lower part of the brain, just above the pituitary gland sits a center, called the hypothalamus (seebrain). From there secreted hormones that affect pituitary directly through hypofysestilkens blood vessels.


Hypothalamus receive nerve impulses through numerous information from the outside world, for example. feelings, vision and light, which can stimulate the secretion of pituitary hormones. In a stress situation can hypothalamus, for example. induce secretion of adrenal cortical hormones (steroid), which is necessary in such a situation.






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