Last updated:09-05-2008
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The Danes travel as never before, and this brings in some cases rise to problems including in the form of various more or less exotic diseases. Fortunately, most of these diseases is not so serious and are easy to protect itself against. Among the most common problems are food poisoning , "Turistdiaré" and sunburn. It is particularly in relation to travel to the tropics or subtroperne that problems may arise.

Before the trip:
Protection before the trip depends on several things. Where is the journey? How long should we be away? How can we go? (Should we stay at the luxury hotel in the city, or should we be rygsæksrejsende in the jungle?). There is of course far greater risk by living in primitive conditions in rural areas.

If you must travel in the tropics, it is usually necessary to be vaccinated. You can turn to their own doctor or to the State Seruminstitut for instructions on what vaccinations you have to have. In addition, there are sites where you can also find information about the like. udlandsvaccinationen. It is important that this be done in good time (like up to two months before departure), as some vaccinations should be given some time before his departure. In addition, certain types of

It is a good idea to bring a little medicine to treat some of the most frequent and less serious diseases. It can typically be a pain killer, medicine against sickness, antibiotics in case of infections and the so-called stoppemidler against diarrhoea (these must not be taken in connection with fever and / or bloody diarrhoea).

Furthermore, it is a good idea to have suffered first as patches, bandage, scissors, tweezers, disinfectant ointment, a thermometer and any. sterile needles and syringes (the latter two in the event that you have to have vaccinations or medical treatment under primitive and unclean conditions).

Possibly, it may be necessary to bring the means to purify the water if you live far from civilization, and it is not possible to carry enough water.

If you take medication daily, be sure to bring enough for the whole journey. Some medicines must be kept in a special way, and it is important to take account of this, when planning his trip. It should be noted that it may create problems to carry certain types of medication and / or needles border. Therefore, it may be a good idea to ask her doctor to make a statement, to give permission for this (course in the appropriate language). We must always ensure reg

Some diseases transmitted to humans by insects, in particular through mosquitoes. Therefore, it is a good idea to bring along a mosquito nets (like impregnated with insektmiddel) and an effective insektmiddel.

If you travel in the tropics or subtroperne, it must be pointed out that the sun is much stronger than here at home. If you are not careful with its delicate Danish skin, it can go very quickly to catch the sun, which can cause fever, dehydration and possible. infection. Therefore, it is important to keep out of the sun at the middle of the day when the sun is strongest. Moreover, we must bring sunscreen (minimum of factor 20). Read more under Solbeskyttelse and Solskoldning .

If you intend to have sexual contact with locals or other travelers, it must be remembered contraception, as this may risk being infected with various STDs , Which are very common in some parts of the world.

Last but not least, be sure to have an adequate travel insurance, which covers the countries you travel in and across the length of the journey. Furthermore, it is a good idea to make copies of important documents such as passports, tickets and insurance and keep them elsewhere than the originals.

During the trip:
If you have to fly far, it is important to ensure that move the legs or move around during the trip, to prevent blood clots in the legs . If you are aged or are pregnant, it is a good idea to use supports.

Goes trip to a hot and sunny country, it must be pointed out that avoid sunburn, and to drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration and heatstroke.

In many places you can not drink water from taps, and we must make sure to boil the water before use, or only drink bottled water purchased with sealed lids, to avoid some of the many viruses and bacteria that may cause gastro-intestinal infections . Moreover, we must avoid fruits and vegetables that can be washed in contaminated water. We must pare its fruit and generally eat boiled or fried vegetables. We should largely avoid raw fødeemner, as these can easily give food poisoning .

Many diseases such as. Malaria , Yellow fever , Dengue fever and Japanese encephalitis transmitted through mosquitoes. That is why it is important to try to avoid myggestik. This can be done by using insektmiddel and have long clothes on, when there are many mosquitoes, and sleep under a mosquito nets.

It should also be in the tropics not go barefoot and not swim in stagnant water such as lakes, as it may be infected with various parasites . It is also important to note that some diseases, for example. diphtheria and influenza , The infection through the air. You can not protect themselves against these in addition to stay away from the obviously sick people.

Most diseases, we could have in travelling abroad, is not serious and can be easily treated, or go quickly in itself again. But it is important to be aware of the symptoms, and if you become ill during travelling abroad should, if possible, visit a doctor.

After the trip:
If you become ill with, for example. fever or severe diarrhoea shortly after return from a udenlandsrejse, it is important to seek out a doctor. It may be due to an illness that has been incurred during the trip, which may require special treatment. Particularly if you have resided in malariaområde, be sure to high fever shortly after the return of (certain types of malaria may cause illness in up to several years after the return).



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Udlandsrejse - disease and prevention
Viruses and bacteria



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