Last updated:11-11-2009
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There is currently no treatment that can cure multiple sclerosis. There areimmunomodulatorytreatment, which can dampen the immune response that causes the disease (see Multiple Sclerosis) andsymptomatictreatment that can relieve the symptoms (see Symptoms of multiple sclerosis).


Immunomodulatory treatment

There is only evidence that this form of treatment has efficacy in patients with a progress attakvist disease (see Symptoms of multiple sclerosis). Today, 2 kinds of drugs used in treatment:


  • beta-interferon:This is a kind of protein that inhibits inflammation reactions and viral infections. The precise operation of multiple sclerosis is unknown, but the substance reduces the number of relapses by about. 30%. Substance is injected into the skin or into a muscle.

    Many patients will initially have side effects in the form of flu-like symptoms or redness and irritation at the injection site. Often these disappear within a few weeks. Very rarely can the bone marrow and the liver is affected, why they regularly must have controlled the function of these blood tests.
    Some patients form antibodies to beta-interferon, which reduces the impact of the substance, and it may be necessary to stop reading.

  • Glatiramer acetate: This is a synthetic drug that controls certain white cell function and get them to release the message signals, which reduces inflammation reactions. The substance also reduces the number of relapses by about. 30%. The substance must be injected into the skin or into a muscle.

    There is relatively rare side effects to treatment, but some may experience pain in the chest, shortness of breath or palpitations associated with the injection.

Moreover, we know relapses deal with large dosesadrenal cortical hormonesdirectly into a vein, which can shorten the duration of a relapse. At very severe multiple sclerosis can be treated with drugs that inhibit the entire immune system. This is not standard treatment due to many serious side effects.


Symptomatic treatment


  • Psychotherapy: Most have the benefit of physiotherapy on a regular basis. In general, daily physical activity is important.

  • Pain killer: It may be difficult to treat pain in multiple sclerosis patients with common forms of pain killer. Instead frequently used medication for epilepsy, for example. carbamazepine, calming anxiety medicines like. diazepam or medication for depression. These often have better effect on pain. Patients with painful seizure-like muscle movements can be treated with a muscle relaxant drug, for example. Baclofen.

  • Treatment of urination genes: Problems with keeping the water is often due to bladder muscle is overactive, and this can be treated with drugs that inhibit this muscle. Many patients experience recurrent cystitis, skin because they can not get empty the bladder completely. You can train the patient to empty the bladder with a catheter, brought up in the bladder. One occurred blærebetændelse be treated with antibiotics.

  • Practical help:It will often be necessary over time with different tools like. a wheelchair. Moreover, often made changes to the layout of the home, like home help may be needed. Many will at some point have the benefit of talking with a social worker about options for possibly. sheltered or early retirement. Conversations with a psychologist for many will also be helpful to learn to live with multiple sclerosis.


Related articles:

Diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis
Multiple Sclerosis
Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis
Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis



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