Last updated:10-15-2008
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Definition and causes

Arteriovenøse malformations are congenital malformations of the brain's veins, so that there is abnormal relations between the arterial vessels (arteries which carry oxygenated blood) and the venous blood veins (veins, leading uiltet blood) in the brain. The most common deformity is that blood vessels form a dense network of small tubes with very thin wall. Anomaly is usually congenital and may vary greatly in size and design. They seen more often in men than women.


Malformations of the brain's veins symptoms either as a result of that blood can not get through blood vessels, or as a result of that blood is headed the wrong way through the blood vessels, as some veins not through blood. Both result in that part of the brain not getting enough oxygen and nutrients. The malformed veins are also more fragile than normal veins, so that there is great risk that they would break and cause bleeding into the brain tissue (see Stroke)


Symptoms of malformations of the brain's veins

The symptoms usually occurs in childhood or adolescence and may be as follows:


  • Stroke (seeStrokeandStroke - a blood clot or bleeding), Which is seen in some. half.

  • Epilepsy.

  • Headache, resemblingmigraine.

  • Sensory disturbance or paralysis: This can be seen in the seizure of minutes to hours or as a gradual process to process.

Precautions and diagnosis

If you experience any of the above symptoms should seek immediate medical attention. Until Monday is seen by a doctor, should remain at rest. The doctor can make the diagnosis by doing aCT scanWhere before scanning a contrast agent injected into a vein or anMRI. On the images from the scan, you can see how blood vessels appear, and a malformation will often be very clear.


Treatment of malformations of the brain's veins

To avoid the emergence of oxygen in the areas of the brain, and because of the high risk of stroke, it is important to get rid of the deformed blood vessels. This can be done by:

  • Operation: The abnormal vascular removed, but there is a risk of harm to the surrounding brain tissue.

  • Embolisering: Here are Monday through a catheter through blood vessels until it is the deformed area. Here we put a stopper in the malformed veins so that blood can not get out there.

  • Rays: One can very accurately frame the malformed veins with rays, so blood vessels is destroyed.

Election of the method depends on size, design, location and the other vein ability to manage the blood through the area, where MALFORMATIONS exist. Often used today a combination of the different methods.


Select and complications

Some people experience no symptoms and therefore never discover that they have a malformation of blood vessels in the brain. Since deformities often do not give symptoms before sudden emergence of a bleeding or blood clot in them, there is a risk of serious harm to the brain or death. It is a very serious condition to be treated as soon as it discovered.





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