Definition and causes

Malignant tumors, ie. ovarian cancer is 90% of the cases developed from the ovary, while the remaining 10% is spreading (metastasis) from organismes.

Like the benign tumors and cysts in the ovary can not know the cause of developing ovarian cancer. There seems, however, just by benign tumors that have a hereditary component.

Thus, there is coupled an increased risk of developing ovarian cancer if they have a defect (mutation) in the so-called BRCA gene in succession mass. Mutation of this gene is also linked to breast cancer and women who have cases of breast cancer and / or colon cancer in the family, have an increased risk of developing ovarian cancer.

Using the pill for more than 5 years, the inverted halves the risk of developing ovarian cancer.

The construction of the malignant tumors are similar to those set out under the benign tumors and cysts, when it comes to this article.

There diagnosed annually around. 600 cases of ovarian cancer, and approx. 400 women die from the disease each year. Ovarian Cancer can be seen in women of all ages, but predominantly in women over 40 years.

Symptoms of ovarian cancer (ovarian cancer)

The symptoms of ovarian cancer is also very similar to the symptoms that are seen by the benign tumors of the ovary, which in turn refers to this article. Additionally, there may be a number of other symptoms that are frequently seen in the context of cancer. This can be:

  • General symptoms such as fatigue, weight loss, anemia.

  • Loss of appetite, fatigue and night sweats.

  • Some cancers also produces hormones, so there may be symptoms depending on the endocrine system, which has affected production.

  • Both benign and malignant tumors may cause fluid in the abdominal cavity and chest cavity.

Precautions and diagnosis

Determination based on the same tests as by detection of benign tumors. The difference rests above all on a diagnosis made by the doctor who examines biopsies (tissue samples) under a microscope. In addition, some ultrasound findings give suspicion of malignant development. As is often taken blood samples, X-rays and, possibly. a kikkertundersøgelse of the abdominal cavity.

Treatment of ovarian cancer (ovarian cancer)

Treatment depends on what stage of cancer disease is, and whether there is proliferation. In all cases, removed the ovaries, fallopian tubes and uterus, and the tissues that it is hanging in. Also remove any. lymph nodes in the region. If the cancer is advanced, also dealt with cellular married (chemotherapy).

Select and complications from ovarian cancer (ovarian cancer)

If the condition is not treated, or if it does not respond to treatment, will indvækst in other organs (eg kidneys and liver) lead to functional reduction of these, which eventually is fatal. The prognosis for women with ovarian cancer varies in proportion to the stage at which the cancer is at diagnosis time.

Unfortunately, the disease is rarely detected in its early stages, as opposed to as cancer of the uterus (endometrial cancer), so the overall survival is worse than for it. In general, the prognosis is said to be poor by ovarian cancer, but it depends entirely as mentioned by the stage at diagnosis time.



This article is formed on the Health Guide on 21.09.06



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