Definition and causes

Heavy menstruation (menorrhagia) is a condition in which the woman bleed more than normal or longer than the average 4-5 days. It typically occurs with menstrual bleeds between the (range bleeding) and irregular menstruation (oligomenorré).

  • The irregular bleeding may occur during early pregnancy without the need to be a danger sign. In addition, the first contraction in the young girl be both powerful and irregular.

  • Systemic diseases, often of hormonal origin. Disorders of metabolism, particularly the thyroid gland can cause a sharp contraction. In addition, defects in the blood's ability to solidify a rare cause of sharp contraction.

  • Changes in the internal genital structure, ie. For example, fibroids in the uterus and cervix, endometriosis, persistent abdominal inflammation and cancer of the ovary, uterus or cervix can all give stronger by menstrual bleeding.

  • Setting up the spiral may be the cause of stronger bleeding.

  • An early abortion may be the cause of the nascent heavy bleeding.

  • At around. 60% of women with menorrhagia, you will find no systemic or structural cause. The reason may be changes locally in the uterus's ability to stop the bleeding, or a change in the ovaries, which makes the hormone levels in the late phase of the menstrual cycle is not maintained. This condition is called under a Dysfunktionel uterinblødning (DUB).

Symptoms of heavy menstrual periods (menorrhagia)

If the blood loss is so great that women have anemia, the symptoms will be this particular fatigue out of the ordinary (see also anemia (anemia)).

There may be pain, often in the context of contraction (especially by endometriosis), and the woman may have a sense of heaviness or a feeling that something turns (especially when fibroids and cancers).

Precautions and diagnosis

Women who find that their menstrual bleeding becomes stronger and have more contraction than normal, should contact their doctor. Likewise, she should consult a doctor if the bleeding is very strong and is not reduced within 24 hours. If there is a possibility that the woman may be pregnant, that is. if she has had sexual intercourse, regardless of the use of contraception, she should consider a pregnancy test and otherwise seek medical attention. It is a good idea to keep menstrual diary, so that the physician can form a ov

Survey order and how quickly they be launched depends typical of the woman's age (including whether she has gone into menopause), whether she is hereditary disposition to cancer, and she is undergoing treatment for menstrual disorders. The primary objective of the studies is to exclude that there may be a cancer and may include:

  • Gynecological examination.

  • Biopsy from livmoderslimhinden, including for example udskrabning.

  • Hysteroskopi.

  • Ultrasound.

  • Blood tests to detect whether the woman has anemia and metabolic disorders and disorders of the blood's ability to solidify, which may be the cause of the bleeding faster.

Treatment of severe contraction (menorrhagia)

Treatment depends on the reason for the sharp menstruation, and therefore directed towards the underlying disease. Is this not, or is the cause hormonal, can be used contraceptive pill. With a high proportion of women, a hormone spiral (gestagenspiral) used.
Preparations containing Tranexamic, used in some cases to reduce the amount of bleeding.

As a last resort, women who are very bothered by heavy menstruation, and as any. have anemia and do not want to get pregnant, have made a udskrabning of the endometrium (the innermost layer of the uterus) or possibly. the whole uterus.

Select and complications of severe contraction (menorrhagia)

The strong bleeding in itself is not dangerous, with less blood loss is so large that developed anemia (anemia). This, however, developed over time.

The diseases that may lie behind, can be dangerous, so the first part of the determination is to eliminate cancer.

Genes associated with heavy menstrual periods in the form of frequent toilet visits and the fear of bleeding may be of such a degree that women feel disabled by it.


This article is formed on the Health Guide on 05.09.06



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