Definition and causes

Irritable colon is not actually a disease. It is an overall term for a number of commonly occurring symptoms from the lower part of the gastrointestinal tract, which you can not find other reasons. There is, in other words, this is a so-called exclusion diagnosis. The cause of the symptoms of irritable colon is unknown.

Most people will at some point in their lives to be bothered by an irritated colon. The symptoms most commonly seen in women.

Symptoms of irritable colon

The symptoms are different in each case, and not all symptoms seen forever, but for the diagnosis of irritable colon can be made, the stool pattern be changing. Irritable colon is characterized by:

  • Pain or discomfort in the abdomen, which alleviated by faeces or departure of the air.

  • Successive stool consistency (alternating between constipation (see article Constipation, a growing problem and diarrhea) and stool frequency, which coincides with the seizure of irritable colon (see progress)).

  • Prevention of the intestines with feelings of bloating and rumbling in your stomach.

  • Mucus in the stools.

  • Feeling of incomplete empty casings.

Precautions and diagnosis

You can even do anything to prevent the state or low measures, which often will reduce the symptoms.

  • Reduce the amount of alcohol, tobacco, coffee and tea.

  • Avoid things with high content of fructose and sorbitol (as soft drinks and chewing gum).

  • Motion (eg. An hour once a day).

  • Drink plenty of fluids (if the problem is constipation).

  • Diet with more fiber (if the problem is diarrhea).

If you have these symptoms should seek medical attention as more serious illnesses such as cancer of the colon, Crohn's disease or bleeding tyktarmskatar can give these symptoms at first.

Particular attention should be paid immediately and seek medical advice if the symptoms associated with other more serious symptoms as strong pain, involuntary weight loss, prolonged fever, blood in stool or anemia. The risk of these diseases is very small, if severe symptoms are missing.

The diagnosis of irritable colon are sometimes obvious. It made a rule on the symptoms. But especially if you are older, must be thoroughly investigated to rule out more serious illnesses (especially cancer), and possibly. performed a kikkertundersøgelse (colonoscopy or sigmoideoskopi). Many are also examined Lactose intolerance. Possibly medicinforbrug must also be examined, since some funds may cause diarrhea and constipation.

Treatment of irritable colon

There is no treatment that can cure the condition, so treatment is to reduce the symptoms. Essentially, your doctor will tell whether the above measures, which should be followed. If irritated colon is not corrected by these actions and constipation is the primary problem is treated with laxatives (stools aids), and if diarrhea is the problem, given stop treatment.


Irritable colon are often an alternating cycle of periods characterized by constipation and other periods primarily with diarrhea. About 2/3-dele with diarrhea state will be the predominant symptom, while the remaining third will mainly be constipation.

Irritable colon are also characterized by periods with many symptoms and periods of recovery possible. completely without symptoms. At around. half will go to the state itself within a year. Just under half will still have symptoms after five years, and finally a few percent will be plagued by symptoms for life.

Although the state can be very annoying, is not associated with reduced work or life length.


This article is formed on the Health Guide on 05.09.06




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