Definition and causes

Neoplasms (benign) tumors of the colon is frequent. Those seen as well udvækster of the mucous membrane on the inside of the intestine. It divides polyps after their appearance. Some viewed just as easily elevated mucosa, while others raise themselves higher up. Some of those who sit on a stalk.

In many cases seen only one polyp, but in about. third seen more. In some cases, more than 100 polyps, and then called the state forPolyps. This condition, however, seen most often in connection with the hereditary diseaseFamily-styleadenomatouspolyposis. Polyps can sometimes develop into cancer, called colorectal cancer.

The most common polyps in the colon and Rectum is just small surface elevations of the mucous membranes. There are often many of them at once, and they are seen more frequently with increasing age. They never evolve to cancer.

In some cases seen individual polyps in the child age. They almost never evolve to cancer.

Adenomas(neoplasticpolyps), Which is formed from polyps kirtelvæv, is the most commonneoplasms(tumors with the growth of new cells) in the colon and end the intestine. ¾ portions of those seen as narrow-stemmed, often single, elevated areas of mucous membranes bottom of the intestine. If they are less than 1 cm high, the risk of developing cancer than 1%. If they are larger than 2 centimeters, the risk rises to around 30%.

Less than 5% of adenomas seen as bredbasede, cauliflower-like udvækster, usually end in the intestine. This type of polyps are at greater risk of developing into cancer, but they are less than 1 cm, the risk is less than 10%. Once the amount is more than 2 centimeters, the risk rises to over 50%.

The remaining adenomas is a mixture between the above two types.

The reason for the formation of polyps is unknown, but the result will probably be a combination of genetic factors and environmental factors. We believe that there is a correlation between a fiber-poor diet and polyps.

Symptoms of polyps

Often the polyps symptoms resolve, but in the case of many or large polyps can be seen the following symptoms:

  • Blood in the stool.

  • Departure of mucus from the end of the intestine.

  • Diarrhea.

  • Pain in the abdomen (this is rare).

Adenoids in children aged appears mostly as fresh bleeding from the intestine end. It bredbasede adenoma can be mucus-producing and lead to the departure of large amounts of mucus from the end of the intestine. Slim may contain large amounts of body salts (sodium and potassium) and can cause symptoms of hypokalemia (weakness and weakness) and dehydration.

Treatment of polyps and the precautions and diagnosis

Polyps often discovered by chance in connection with the investigation of another disease. It can often be difficult to distinguish between harmless elevations of the mucous membranes and potentially carcinogenic adenomas. Therefore, all polyps removed. This is done mostly by using a so-calleddiatermislyngeWhen you put a sling around the base and polyps with heat passionate it away.

Although not definitively proven, it is felt that there is a link between diet and developing polyps. A good idea is to eat a diet rich in fiber (eg. Many vegetables and cereals).

As mentioned discovered polyps often randomly. The diagnosis made by a kikkertundersøgelse (colonoscopy or sigmoideoskopi) with simultaneous removal of tissue (biopsy). Sometimes created an X-ray with contrast.

After you have had a polyp removed, convened Monday to post an investigation after some time. Have only had one polyp, have been more likely to have more.


As mentioned above, polyps associated with an increased risk of getting cancer, called colorectal cancer. It is believed that some of these cancer starts as a benign polyp. The risk of cancer is between 3-5 times higher if you have polyps compared to if you do not have.

In rare cases, polyps, if there are many of them involve the development of tarmslyng.

In most cases live Monday with polyps without being detected, because they often have no symptoms resolve and never develop into cancer.


This article is formed on the Health Guide on 19.10.06




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