Definition and causes

Jaundice is not a disease but a symptom consisting of the skin and whites of eyes have a yellowish color. Jaundice occurs when the dye bilirubin accumulates in the body. Bilirubin is a natural waste product of red blood cells, which is emitted when the cells die and are replaced. Normally filtered bilirubin from the blood in the liver and sent by the bile to the intestine. New-born children often have jaundice because their livers are not always fully developed at birth, this is described in the article jaundice in the newborn.

In adult jaundice frequently seen when bile aisle is tilstoppede, which may occur by gallstones and (rarely) cancer of the pancreas. Otherwise, jaundice often a sign of liver disease, for example. the liver and in rare cases, cirrhosis or liver tumors.

Finally, jaundice may prove to disease, in which the red blood cells break down unnaturally quickly, giving so-called hemolytic anemia. Jaundice occurs here, because it released more bilirubin in the bloodstream than the liver can reach the filter from, although it works as it should.

Related symptoms of jaundice

Along with jaundice can be, depending on the underlying disease, have various other symptoms. Typically seen light colored stools and dark urine. It is due to bilirubin is to color stool, and if not excreted in the gut, the stools may be light (kitfarvet). While the urine can be dark (colored porter), if any of bilirubin instead filtered out through the kidneys.

Other symptoms described in the above-mentioned diseases.

The treatment of jaundice

Treatment aims to cure the underlying cause (see the individual diseases). When the liver or biliary tract again functioning as they should, jaundice disappears by itself. Newborns with jaundice are often treated with light, see jaundice in the newborn.


This article is formed on the Health Guide on 14.08.06



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