Definition and causes

Gallbladder is just below the liver (see liver, gallbladder and pancreas). When the gallbladder becomes inflamed, its walls fortykkede and swollen, and may be formed. pus in the area. At worst, there are holes in the bladder or oxygen supply to the gallbladder is deteriorating and the emergence vævsdød.

Inflammation of the gallbladder occurs almost exclusively as a complication of gallstones, which blocks the bile drainage to the intestine. Inflammation caused by chemical irritation of the gallbladder and in some cases subsequent bacterial growth on the ground.

Cholecystitis can very rarely occur without gallstones, in which case it is typically after major surgery or major damage, for example. in connection with an accident or severe generalized infection.

Given the strong correlation with gallstones, seen gall bladder inflammation most frequently in women who have gallstones 2-3 times more frequently than men. There are annually 4-500 patients for gall bladder inflammation, but there are also some who are treated without surgery (see Treatment below).

Symptoms of cholecystitis

The symptoms usually begin as a gallstone attack, it will say:

  • Heavy, right sudden pain in the right edge rib, perhaps. with radiation to the back or shoulder (pain may sit elsewhere). The attack can last many hours, if necessary. day, in contrast to the uncomplicated gallstone attacks, as blades of more than a few hours.

  • Frequently seen at the same time, nausea and vomiting.

  • Restlessness (due to pain).

In addition, causing inflammation mode:

  • Fever around 38 degrees.

Select and complications

As a rule, cholecystitis move by themselves in the course of a week's time. However, you may cause complications in the form of vævsdød where the infection get the tissue to die and open a decay process. This can lead to bladder rupture and the contents causing a fatal peritonitis (peritonitis). In addition, approximately. 1/3-del find that gall bladder inflammation comes at a time.

Treatment of cholecystitis

Cholecystitis can have several different types of bacteria and is frequently treated with multiple antibiotics. At the same time run as a regular surgical removal of the entire gallbladder (this prevents the formation of gallstones, which usually causes the gall bladder inflammation). The operation takes place today as a telescope operation through small holes in the abdomen and called laparaskopisk cholecystektomi.

It occurs very rarely complications of this operation, but should they arise along the way, it may be necessary to open up and operate in the traditional way. The advantage of the telescope method is faster hospital (after 1-2 days) and that the sick recover more quickly (within 1-2 weeks).

You can easily do without the gallbladder, bile as ever produced in the liver. The float just more constant rather than delivered to the intestine when the gallbladder pulling together after meals. After the operation, of course, do not get cholecystitis again.

In older or debilitated people who could not tolerate surgery, may be limited to treating with antibiotics and draining the inflamed gall bladder. Is this treatment Monday after fresh enough to cope with surgery, you will often perform this after 2-3 months to prevent further inflammation.



This article is formed on the Health Guide on 21.11.06



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