Definition and causes

Cancer of the stomach was previously a very frequent form of cancer, but in the last 40 years, the number of new cases, with no known cause, dropped to third. Now diagnosed around. 600 new cases per. years, and slightly more die from the disease each year. Men are affected more often than women, and the vast majority are over 50 years.

There has been no direct cause, but several conditions associated with cancer of the stomach.

In patients with peptic ulcer seen more often than in healthy development of stomach cancer. Mavekatar and Chronic infection with the bacteriumHelicobactorpyloriIs also an increased risk of cancer of the stomach.
Earlier operation in the stomach also substantially increased risk of cancer in the remaining part.
Pernicious anemia (eg. As a result of the operation, with large parts of the stomach is removed or chronic by mavekatar) gives an almost 20-fold increased risk.

In addition, cancer of the stomach associated with a number of environmental factors. Dried, smoked and salted food is associated with increased risk, and in Japan and Iceland, where these types of foods are common, the disease is very frequent. Nitrate food (bacteria additive that can be converted into the harmful nitrite) is also associated with a higher risk of stomach cancer.

More than half of all cancers of the stomach sits in the lower part.

Symptoms of cancer of the stomach

The symptoms of stomach cancer are often vague and comes creeping. Therefore discovered the disease most often late in the process. The symptoms are:

  • Weight loss.

  • Pain in the abdomen.

  • Nausea and vomiting.

  • Fatigue.

  • Anemia (also fatigue).

Precautions and diagnosis

There is no way to prevent stomach cancer, but you can try to avoid the above types of food. In addition, you can eat plenty of vegetables that reduce the time food has to pass through the gastrointestinal tract, and this gives any toxic substances less time to work in.

By unplanned weight loss should always consult a doctor. If you have some of the other symptoms over an extended period, one should also seek medical advice. Are you over 50 years, should be extra attention to these symptoms.

The diagnosis made by a kikkertundersøgelse (gastroscopy) combined with the removal of a tissue (biopsy).

Treatment of cancer of the stomach

The only curative treatment is removal of the cancer, possibly. removal of the entire stomach, and this must happen before any appeal. spread of the cancer. If the disease is advanced without the possibility of healing, also operate anyway, since this often can reduce symptoms and thus better quality of life. Radiation and chemotherapy have little effect on cancer of the stomach.

After the operation, where a large part of the stomach has been removed, you need to eat smaller meals. Most will come to be lacking iron and vitamin B12, so you have to take life-long contribution of these.

Select and complications

As mentioned discovered cancer of the stomach usually late and the disease has a poor prognosis. It spreads most commonly to the liver. However, very few people with these symptoms, actually have cancer.

The most common complications are bleeding (apparent as bloody vomit or black extremely smelly stools (due digested blood)) and the constrictions that cause blockages with subsequent difficulty in swallowing and vomiting.

In rare cases, the cancer can grow out through the stomach and into another body or cause intestinal perforation (hole between stomach and abdominal cavity) with subsequent peritonitis and cancer of the peritoneum.





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