Swollen salivary gland is in most cases the symptoms of mumps. In specific cases, an infection of the salivary gland also caused by germs, especially when a salivary gland is damaged by stones saliva, or when the body's resistance to infections is impaired due to other diseases. An infected salivary gland is closed and sore. Often it also enlarged neck lymph nodes and sore. You should avoid highly seasoned foods and citrus fruits, which worsens the swelling and pain.

There may be discharge of plaster from the infected salivary gland, which may give a bad taste in your mouth. If the infection is not treated, can damage salivary gland so violently that it stops working. Discovering that swelling in the mouth, under the chin or around the lower jaw, you should consult a doctor and have it investigated.


Bacterial infections of the salivary gland can usually be treated with antibiotics. You can also try to expand exports salivary gland again by a probe. When one has yet overcome the infection, salivary gland resume its normal function. If a larger proportion of kirtelvævet lost and was replaced by arvæv may glands function, however impaired.

When we no longer have an infection in an outbreak may glands estimated by an X-ray called sialogram.



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