Source: Center for problem gambling,

Are you more concerned about the game than you or your loved think is reasonable? You hear those who believe that happiness is made, if only you win a big prize money? Or do you think that all your financial problems and hardship probably will be resolved when you win? It is just a matter of patience and perseverance long enough until it becomes your turn to be the lucky!

Did it happen, so could you try to test yourself!
You can take the test, which contains 10 short questions and takes no more than a few minutes alone or with your / your next of kin. The result of the test can serve as your personal "roadmap" for what the situation is out. Gaming wise understand!

The test will take you here

You should know

  • The fact that your chances of winning the Lotto is 1 in 8,347,680.

  • The fact that your chances of winning at roulette or at a slot machine is not very large.

  • The fact that your chances of winning the game, which lies in the borderland between knowledge and random (eg. Poker and Odds'et) requires a considerable degree of self-control and self-discipline. Decide for you (if you choose to play ), For how long you want to play and for how much you can afford to lose. And you further decision to quit the game if you are lucky enough to win!

  • To your chance to win back the lost probably no greater than your chance of hitting the seven right Lottotal.






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