Incontinence is that we have lost the ability to keep the urine (urinary incontinence) and stools (fekal incontinence), with the result that divestiture is completely uncontrolled and involuntary. Both older and younger usually the involuntary urination due to disease of the urinary organs or intestines. Incontinence is not an inevitable part of aging and should not be accepted as such. However, it is much more common among the elderly than among younger, because the strength of the muscle

Generally no problem with incontinence, if the underlying cause is treated with good results. The problem could, for example. consist of an infection of the urinary organs (see Infections, inflammations and physical damage) or a problem with the prostate.

Certain digestive diseases and to get fiber in the diet can also cause problems with the intestine.

A special kind of watery diarrhea occurs when fast and hard stools packed together at the end of the colon, forming a plug (fekalom). Above stopper assembled liquids and gases, which squeezed past the stool thick flank. Irritation and inflammation of the colon contributes to the difficulty in retaining stool. Such stools plugs can become so large that they press against the urinary bladder and urinary problems.

In a few cases, incontinence can occur due to a serious illness like. stroke, damage to the spinal cord or dementia (see also Dementia and old age). In a few of these cases, it is not possible to treat because the disease. Incontinence can then be treated separately.


Regardless of age should consult your doctor if you occasionally have a hard time keeping in urine and faeces. After an initial investigation, it may be necessary for the doctor to take some samples to clarify whether caused by inkontinensen an underlying disease, for example. infection of the urinary agency. If that is so, and the disease can be treated, given appropriate treatment. If the cause is not found, there could still do much to alleviate the most unpleasant symptoms.


It may succeed, at least partially to restore control of excretion from the bladder and intestine, if you make it a habit to go to the toilet frequently and at regular intervals (about every two or every three hours). Be sure to have a toilet within reach both day and night and have a Chamber pot of preparedness by the bed. Use clothes that are easy to handle and do not have many cumbersome buttons and based. Al sanitation equipment must be as practical as possible - sometimes it helps, for example. to mo

If you start getting a little scatter brained, you can use sticky notes or a timer to help you get started with a certain routine, for example. to go to the toilet every two hours. For urinary incontinence, you should not drink too much just before bedtime. By fekal incontinence should eat much fiber diet and remember that the uncontrolled bowel movements usually arise in about an hour after each meal.

As a woman ages, becomes her pelvic floor muscles (which supports the urinary bladder, intestines and womb) weaker. If you suffer from urinary incontinence, it is advisable to re-train those muscles. By putting the muscles as if you were trying to prevent urination and repeat the exercise 20-25 times in a row with relaxation can strengthen them and reduce urinary incontinence. Accounts Association (tel. 33 25 51 21) can help with information.

At the doctor:

Your doctor may prescribe a preparation, which stabilizes the bladder activity, so urine drive does not occur so often. It is very often that doctors at a reproductive study finds an explanation of inkontinensen, and often can be offered treatment. Effective bowel stabilizing drugs is unfortunately not yet developed, but fiber diet or treatment with different preparations may have a good effect. Has there been a fekalom or prolonged constipation, you should talk to your doctor (see Constipation and dia

There are free facilities for incontinence. The doctor or nurse at home can tell about them and help to get it, which is best suited. One example is special Undergarments, which absorb urine in a porous outer and neutralize the smell, while the inner layer (closest to the skin) is almost dry. With that kind of underwear reduced skin damage around the genitals caused by inkontinensen to a minimum, the other clothes are protected, and we do not have to worry about it.



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