
Glaucoma is a disease in which a high pressure in the eye gives discomfort and vision impairment. In open-angle glaucoma, which is sometimes calledChronicglaucoma, the pressure is too high for a long time (many years), and damage to the eye happens along the way. It should be mentioned that some people have symptoms of open-angle glaucoma, although their pressure in the eye is normal. They belong under the name of glaucoma, and treatment is the same. For detailed description of the background and causes of glaucoma, see glaucoma.

Reasons for open-angle glaucoma

High pressure in the eye as in glaucoma is the overriding reason for open-angle glaucoma.

In addition to a high pressure, there are other factors that may increase the risk of open-angle glaucoma. It is true: Green strongest among family members, myopia (note thathypermetropiaits disposal tonarrow-angleglaucoma), low blood pressure, arteriosclerosis and most important of all: old age.

Other diseases can also give open-angle glaucoma. Diabetes, multiple blood clots in the retina, rainbow skin inflammation and damage to the eye is the most common.

The high pressure in the eye destroys nerve fibers in the optic nerve. The more damaged nerve fibers, the greater part of the visual field is blank on Monday. The disease framework which usually both eyes, but one is usually hit harder than the other.

Symptoms of open-angle glaucoma

The disease is a long time, asymptomatic. It means that you will not notice that something is wrong.

The first symptom is that you become blind to a small part of the visual field. Because the brain has an amazing ability to compensate for deficiencies will not, however, experience a blind area as a blackspot. The area will rather resemble the surroundings around.

An example of how it feels to have open-angle glaucoma: If you look at a blue wall, the brain will make a blind area "blue". What one sees here is therefore an entirely blue wall, without gaps or dark spots. To the contrary, hang a picture on the wall, where the blind area, you will not find the picture, but again "just" see the blue wall.

This ability to compensate - and the fact that the other eye works better - means that people started very late yesterday to the doctor. Usually it is a coincidence that there are large blind areas. Typically, while failing eye together, when, for example. must take a photograph.
The areas are usually at the edge of the field of vision, and only very late to central vision (which, when you look) disappear. That is why, at later what is calledkikkertsyn. It feels like to walk around and look through a telescope or a tube, for example. a tube from a roll of paper towels. You can read newspapers and like much of the cycle, while driving fast is dangerous because it does not detect pedestrians and other drivers.

It does not hurt to have open-angle glaucoma, but when the survey is much reduced, it may be difficult and stressful to go beyond the daily functions and quality of life.

Precautions and diagnosis

Open Angled glaucoma is a very serious disease, but can now be kept down with medication. They already blind areas, however, not to see again, and it is therefore very important to be treated as early as possible. If you experience impaired vision, kikkertsyn or blind areas should therefore have his eyes examined. You can even explore his field of vision by closing one eye in then move two fingers in all the edges of the visual field.

The doctor makes a diagnosis by measuring the pressure in the eye and examine the visual field. One can also see signs of open-angle glaucoma by looking into the eye background with a special lamp (a oftalmoskop).

Treatment of open-angle glaucoma

  • Medicines to lower the production of fluid in the eye.

  • Medication that increases drained of fluid through the channel.

  • Laserbehandling of the canal so that the liquid will have better drainage.

  • Operation of creating passage between the eye and a single opening between conjunctivae and senehinden on the outer surface of the eye so the liquid can drain.

The medicine is usually taken as eye drops, and treatment is lifelong. It is important to understand the severity of the disease and the importance of regular treatment, since untreated disease leading to blindness. If the disease is advanced, do not drive. With proper treatment the disease can be kept stable and vision loss is stopped. The prognosis is good.






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