Definition and causes

Regnbuehinden,iris, Is the name of the colored part of the eye. An inflammation here often involves radiation body, which lies behind regnbuehinden and ensure that pupil can pull together and expand themselves. There are two kinds of inflammation in regnbuehinden:

  • Infection. This is often a spread from a second infection in the vicinity and are very rare.

  • Inflammation without infection. This type is the most common form, but are still relatively rare. It almost always seen in people with autoimmune diseases (where the immune system attacks the body's own cells), especially Bechterews disease, but also psoriasis, Reiter's disease, sarkoidose and ledegigt in adolescents.

Symptoms of inflammation in regnbuehinden

  • Pain in the eye, possibly. with a headache.

  • Your eye turns red.

  • Pupil will be small.

  • Blurred vision.

  • Light annoyance.

The symptoms vary from almost no genes for an acute condition with all the symptoms to be dealt with immediately.


If you have these symptoms, you should consult a doctor, especially if there is a vision impairment. If you already have a known autoimmune disease, one should seek medical advice by themselves facilitate eye symptoms. There can be complications, which provides vision, for example. glaucoma and cataract.

If you are otherwise healthy and have identified inflammation in regnbuehinden several times, should be studied for autoimmune disease. This may, for example. done with blood tests and imaging studies.

Treatment of inflammation in regnbuehinden

The treatment is steroiddråber and pupil-expanding drops. The pupil-expanding drops given because of pain in the eye mainly due to the inflamed jet body cramps and therefore pupil pulling together. When the beam body relax because of the drops, the pain has faded. Steroid drops dampens the inflammatory response.








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