
Eye retina is supplied with oxygen-containing blood from arteries (arteries pulse), and the iltfattige blood then carried away from the eye through the veins, calledveins. All the eye veins collects in centralvenen. A blood clot can occur in centralvenen or one of the smaller veins and block blood drift away from the retina to the heart. There are piling up in the blood therefore retinal veins, and fluid would escape through the veins of retinal tissue. The fluid visual cells destroys the retina, and vision will be affected.


Blood clot in the eye veins is not an ordinary illness. The risk is increased by old age, smoking,high blood pressure,open-angle glaucomaand diseases of blood vessels or disturbances in the coagulation of blood.


Symptoms of blood clot in the eye veins

During the hours of day will vanish sighted in an area of the visual field. This is different fromblood clot in the eye arteriesWhere vision loss coming at once. In the case of centralvenen, will most or all of the visual field be affected, but if it is a small vein, it is not certain that there is no notes.


Precautions and treatment

Do we have the above symptoms, should be seen by an ophthalmologist. If you have multiple risk factors can try to reduce some of them, for example. with blood pressure medicines or stopping smoking.


The liquid will often by itself seep away from the retina again, and with four out of five surveyed would turn entirely or partially withdrawn. This is particularly true for younger people. However, there is great risk of a new case within the next few years.


For those who do not experience smooth return of vision, this is often due to iltmanglen in the retina has led to the formation of new blood vessels. The new blood vessels can grow into other parts of the eye and possibly leadglaucoma. It controls therefore people with a history of blood clot in the eye veins regularly. If we find evidence of new blood vessels, can we deal with these laserbehandling similarly todiabetic retinopathy.










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