Definition and causes Otitis media is an inflammation of the mucous membranes in the ear, caused by bacteria or viruses. These microbial invasion of mucous membranes leading to this increase and will be covered by secretions. Stopper honor of theit eustachiiske pipes(See the ears structure and function), which forms the connection between the upper part of the throat and middle ear.
Particularly if the inflammation caused by bacteria build up a lot of pus in the middle ear, causing the pressure to rise, as there now is no possibility of pressure relief through the eustachiiske pipes. Drum is therefore to bulge out and may know enough pressure burst (see Firing drum skin). If this happens, there will float pus, possibly. tilblandet little blood out of your ear.Often, there is simultaneous infection of the nose or throat, for example. colds, flu or sore throat. It is believed that the virus or bacteria that cause middle, often coming from such an infection, as they migrate from the nose-throat space through the eustachiiske tubes for middle ear. The disease is very frequent, especially in small children and is usually both ears simultaneously attacked. In four years of age, half of all children had the disease. If the child has received media as quite small, there is a high risk that the child will eventually get the disease again. Children with polyps may be more likely to get middle because polyps offers increased susceptibility to infections in the nose and pharynx. Symptoms of the middle Particularly in young children can be very non-specific symptoms, but the most common are:- Ear pain, The high pressure in the ear leads to pain in the ear and tenderness by pressure behind the ear. The pain is worse when lying down. Small children crying and handles any. to the ear. If the ear drum burst, the pain fades, as pressure falls.
- Hearing impairmentand the feeling of having the ear flap.
- Fever, which can be up to 40 degrees.
- ØreflådAfter hole on drum, runs inflammation of the middle ear fluid out.
Precautions and diagnosis The above symptoms should seek medical advice. This can be by looking at the ear with a otoskop see that the ear drum bulges forward and is red and irritated, possibly. can be found a hole. If there is pus, your doctor will graft to determine the micro-organism that causes the disease.
Treatment of middle Towards pain may be common headache pills and paracetamol (eg exist. In Panodil, Pinex and Pamol and others) or acetylsalicylic acid (found in Kodimagnyl example, Aspirin, Børnemagnyl and others) are both available in over - . Since there are often simultaneous cold symptoms, it may be useful to use the nasal spray that causes mucous membrane swelling to decrease (eg. Otrivin or Zymelin, can be obtained in any OTC). The physician can print antibiotics, usually penicillin.If there are very strong pain, the doctor can make a small cut in the ear drum to get inflammation out. This may in children under 1 year of age often done without anesthetic, while in older children or adults may be necessary with brief full anesthetic. Drum heal by itself within a few weeks.
Select and complications Untreated disease is usually over by himself. However, there is a small risk that the inflammation can spread to the structures that are in direct relation to the middle ear. There can be inflammation of the cranial bone, brain membrane inflammation (meningitis), the formation of abscess in the brain or in the brain, paralysis of facial muscles (facialis palsy), inflammation of the inner ear (Labyrintitis).
Prevention of middle In children, who repeatedly get middle, you can put a drain in the ear (a small open valve in the ear drum). You can also choose to remove polyps, but it is uncertain how much effect, which is of such intervention. Since children are often infected in day care centers, it may be beneficial to move the child for example. a day care where there are fewer children and thus less risk of infection. This article was updated on the Health Guide on 08.08.07